RIVM adjusts criteria of heating guide

In June 2024, RIVM advised the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management to adjust the criteria of the 'Stookwijzer' (heating guide). These adjustments have now been implemented on stookwijzer.nu. The updated Stookwijzer can help reduce nuisance from wood smoke.

Adjustments based on new criteria

The RIVM survey found that more than half of reports of complaints were made at wind force 2 or less. When there is little wind, wood smoke spreads less quickly. The updated Stookwijzer therefore now issues code red for wind force 2 or less. The advice then is not to burn wood. If the wind is stronger than wind force 2, the Stookwijzer now indicates code yellow, orange or red, depending on the amount of particulate matter in the air.

In addition, the heating advice applies for a six-hour time block. For example, at noon, the advice for burning wood between 6pm and midnight is known. This gives stokers earlier insight into whether stoking can be done without causing nuisance. Before this, the advice was continuously adjusted, which caused much confusion among stokers. That the advice is valid for six hours gives more certainty.

Stookwijzer app

Also new is the app Stookwijzer. It will be available from Stookwijzer.nu during the afternoon. Through the app, users can set that they want to be notified when code red applies in their area.

Stookalert discontinued for now

With the introduction of the revamped Stookwijzer and the launch of the app, the 'Stookalert' will be discontinued for the time being. This is because there has been overlap in the messaging of both tools. This can be confusing for users. Like the Stookalert, the updated Stookwijzer now also gives advice well in advance. Based on the experiences with the Stookwijzer, we will discuss with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management how to proceed with the Stookalert in the future.

Taken en verantwoordelijkheden

RIVM advises on the Stookwijzer on the basis of scientific research. On behalf of the Ministry of IenW, RIVM manages the Stookwijzer and communicates about its development.

Municipalities and the Ministry of IenW are responsible for policy on wood burning. Municipalities affiliated with the Stookwijzer receive the nuisance reports made through the Stookwijzer in their municipalities. These municipalities then decide themselves what to do with these reports. For questions about wood burning in your area, please contact your municipality or your local Municipal Health Service (GGD).

Source: RIVM (in Dutch)