
Utrecht Science Park is centrally located in the Netherlands and is easily accessible by public transport, bicycle or car. Utrecht Science Park is just 15 minutes by tram and by bus from Utrecht Central Station. A large number of bus services from surrounding municipalities also stop at Utrecht Science Park. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is only an hour away. The bicycle is the main mode of transport at the science park. There are many bicycle sheds, and you can hire shared bicycles and public transport bicycles. With 2000 parking spaces, the P+R Utrecht Science Park car park is the science park's main parking facility and offers the possibility to continue your journey by tram or bicycle.

Public transport

Utrecht Science Park is just 15 minutes by tram and by bus from Utrecht Central Station. Tram 20, 21 and 22 is an important link in the accessibility of the Utrecht Science Park. A large number of bus services from surrounding municipalities also stop at Utrecht Science Park.

More information about public transport?

By bicycle

The bicycle is the main mode of transport at the science park. There are many bicycle sheds, and you can hire shared bicycles and public transport bicycles. Utrecht Science Park also has the longest rainbow cycle path in the world.

Cars and parking

With 2000 parking spaces, the P+R Utrecht Science Park car park is the science park's main parking facility and offers the possibility to continue your journey by tram or bicycle.

More information about parking at Utrecht Science Park?

Utrecht Science Park Foundation

The visiting address of the office of Utrecht Science Park Foundation is Heidelberglaan 11, 3584 CS Utrecht.Our office is located next to a bus lane.

Rainbow Cycle Path as inspiration for diversity and inclusion

‘Many people live, work and study at Utrecht Science Park. That's why it's great to get a symbol at such a location that shows that everyone is accepted.’ - Elias van Mourik

Headerphoto photography Peter Bontan, Movares