
Do you ever take a walk during a work or study day? You definitely should, because walking works! Walking makes you fitter, builds up your energy and makes you work more effectively. From 23 September, the WorkWalk will be launched. Walk in and around the Utrecht Science Park during your break, or during a meeting. Three routes have been mapped out and provided with clear signs, so you can easily walk during your work or study day.

The WorkWalk is an initiative of HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and the Utrecht Science Park Foundation. This initiative is based on practice-based research by Fontys, which mapped the benefits of walking meetings. This research shows that walking not only promotes physical and mental health, but also contributes to greater efficiency and productivity. Inspired by this success, the WorkWalk was brought to the Utrecht Science Park. 

All three WorkWalk routes start in front of the Spar (Heidelberglaan 1B). Scan the QR codes on the image, or click on the routes below, to walk the route via Google Maps, or follow the route arrows from the starting point. Swap your office space, meeting place or classroom for a green walking meeting. Of course, you can also walk one of the three beautiful routes for relaxation. 

Route 1: 23 min.

Route 2: 40 min.

Route 3: 51 min.

Why choose a WorkWalk? 

  • Creativity up: You get more creative ideas after just 5 minutes of walking.  
  • Productivity and energy boost: Movement improves blood flow to your brain, allowing you to think and act better. It also increases your energy levels.  
  • Manage your stress: Walking lowers your cortisol levels after just 15 minutes and helps you relax.  
  • Stay healthy: We sit for an average of 9 hours a day. Taking a walk in between is truly better for your health.  
  • Effective consultation: Walking makes it easier to discuss difficult topics and makes for better conversations.  

What can you discuss while walking?  

A WorkWalk is perfect for meetings, introductions, brainstorming sessions, performance reviews or as a break-out session during a lecture or workshop. And that's just some of the possibilities! Do you have an extensive meeting and find it difficult to do it entirely on foot? Choose to do part of the meeting in a room. 

Tips for your WorkWalk 

  • Inform your colleagues and fellow students: Give your colleagues and fellow students a heads-up about your plan to work walk. Add the WorkWalk as the location of the meeting.  
  • Plan your route: Use the USP walking map or follow the route signs that start right in front of the Spar (Heidelberglaan 1B). There is a choice of 3 routes with different lengths. Of course, you can also map out your own path.  
  • Preparation: Think about your goal, read sections in advance and keep your voice recorder or a notebook/app close at hand.  
  • Be flexible in case of rain: Shorten your route or borrow an umbrella from the reception of one of the HU buildings or from the Utrecht Science Park Foundation at Heidelberglaan 11. 

Keep an eye on the feet

On the walking paths through the Utrecht Science Park, you will soon see footprints on the ground. Have you spotted them yet? Follow them and start walking.