WKZ Maternity Center

We interviewed Ilanit Overbeeke, Willem de Vries and Metty Spelt geïnterviewd from the Woman & Baby Division of the Maternity Center of the Wilhemina Children's Hospital

How does your work help to shape the world of tomorrow?

We want to give every new mother, together with her partner, the best possible experience before, during and after the birth of their child. The family must be able to look back on a hospital stay during which they felt safe and received care with a personal touch. We’re not satisfied with anything less. The WKZ Maternity Centre is designed entirely with this in mind, with the best healthcare professionals available to our patients 24/7.

We show the employees of the maternity centre and our current and future patients exactly what care we offer: everything for pregnant women, new mothers and newborns under one roof. In addition to patient care, we also handle the WKZ Maternity Centre’s internal and external communication.

At the centre, you receive the best expert guidance regarding your pregnancy and birth. You will give birth safely under the guidance of an obstetrician or gynaecologist. We provide tailor-made care for you and your baby. If your baby requires any extra care, we offer all of the facilities and expertise needed to optimally treat him or her.

The team members in the photo are Ilanit Overbeeke, primary obstetrician and team leader at the WKZ Maternity Centre, Willem de Vries, neonatologist at the WKZ Maternity Centre, and Metty Spelt, marketing & communication advisor at the WKZ Maternity Centre’s Woman & Baby Division.

What does your work contribute to society? How does it impact me?

We care for mothers and babies. The passion we have for our work ensures a safe birth. We also want to use our scientific knowledge to inspire and train others to do this wonderful work. Providing safe care to mother and child is paramount at the WKZ Maternity Centre. Results of the latest scientific research are implemented in the care we provide. We also train professionals in the fields of nursing, gynaecology, obstetrics and neonatology.

What is your dream? What do you want to achieve in the next 5–10 years?

We want every pregnant woman in the Utrecht region to know all about the WKZ Maternity Centre and how it provides an extremely safe environment for mother and baby under the guidance of a whole range of expert professionals.