Mayor Sharon Dijksma

Interview with Mayor Sharon Dijksma

Name, position and organisation

Sharon A.M. Dijksma, Mayor of Utrecht

What is Utrecht Science Park? And what does it mean to you?

“For me, Utrecht Science Park is a jewel. And a very vibrant jewel, too, because it helps to determine how the world of tomorrow will look through pioneering research, top-level education, excellent entrepreneurship, and smart start-ups and scale-ups in life sciences and health. Moreover, just a short walk away, you will find yourself in a green oasis of calm, including the country estates and the Unesco World Heritage Site of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie. It’s precisely this combination that, for me, makes it such a special and valuable place.

Mayor Sharon Dijksma

For me, Utrecht Science Park is a jewel.

What impact does Utrecht Science Park have on society?

There are a lot of opportunities both for the Science Park and the Utrecht region, above all in the area of health. Over the last two years, during the pandemic that turned the world upside down, we’ve seen just how important this theme is. In Utrecht we have everything we need to become a leader in terms of research, treatments and creating healthy lifestyles. Utrecht Science Park is at the heart of it.

What’s your dream for this area in the future?

Many residents of our region – not to mention national and international partners – don’t (yet) know that Utrecht Science Park and the Utrecht region lead the world in terms of scientific knowledge, research and innovative projects in many fields. But if you want to stay ahead, you need to invest in the future. My dream for the future is that together, we can put all these things on the map even more decisively. And to lobby for investments and all the facilities needed to further develop and strengthen the Science Park and the Utrecht region.