Network USP Inclusive Lunch

On Wednesday 2 October, Network USP Inclusive is organising a lunch to bring employees (and students) at the Utrecht Science Park closer together.

From 26 September to 2 October is the 'Week tegen Eenzaamheid' (Week for the Prevention of Loneliness). Did you know that 1 in 10 people in the Netherlands feels very lonely? Loneliness and social isolation are also common among employees and students with a (work) disability or (mental) vulnerability. Its impact is significant. Especially if it persists for a long time, loneliness leads to (even) less participation in society and a feeling of inadequate well-being or happiness. That is why Network USP Inclusive participates in the 'Week tegen Eenzaamheid',

Will you join the lunch on Wednesday 2 October? The lunch is open to all and free of charge.

Practical information

Date & time: Wednesday 2 October, walk-in free between 12:00 and 14:00.

Location: Utrecht University, Balcony Pi in the Educatorium, Leuvenlaan in Utrecht.

More information: Visit the website (the event page is in Dutch).

About Network USP Inclusive

Network USP Inclusive was founded in 2019 by enthusiastic employees of the Utrecht Science Park. The network is a collaboration between Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht and HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. Network USP Inclusive is an employee network at the Utrecht Science Park. We are committed to helping employees with an (workplace) disability or (psychological) vulnerability*. Our aim is to address prejudice and promote inclusion. By increasing support for employees with a disability or vulnerability, we seek to strengthen their position within the organisations at the Utrecht Science Park.