Nucleate Netherlands Launch event at the Utrecht Science Park

On 11 June was the Nucleate Netherlands Launch event in the Accelerator at the Utrecht Science Park. Nucleate is a student-led nonprofit organisation that represents the largest global community of bio-innovators, and is dedicated to empower the next generation of biotech leaders. Many bio-entrepreneurs came together to celebrate the launch and to connect with potential investors and collaborators. It's great to see a large community emerging in the biotech ecosystem in which global opportunities abound. As the biggest science park in the Netherlands with leading biotech organizations and research, the Utrecht Science Park Foundation was delighted to support this event, and thus the community.

Read the whole press release below;

Nucleate is coming to the Netherlands! With 23 locations and the participation of more than 150 academic institutions worldwide, Nucleate identifies future leaders in the biotech industry. Nucleate breaks down barriers and supports young entrepreneurs in creating ground-breaking technologies. It is the largest educational organisation worldwide for open access biotechnology and entrepreneurial education. The Netherlands is internationally known for its successful research institutions and academic excellence. These attributes make the Netherlands a breeding ground for biotech innovation and successful companies. This is where Nucleate Netherlands hopes to contribute by encouraging young scientists into entrepreneurship.

"The launch of Nucleate Netherlands aligns perfectly with hollandbio's mission around strengthening and thriving the Dutch biotech ecosystem. Nucleate offers a unique platform for entrepreneurial students, PhDs and postdocs who have the ambition to become part of the next generation of biotech entrepreneurs making a crucial contribution to solutions in the areas of health, nutrition and climate. I am convinced that Nucleate Netherlands will have a positive impact on creating a vibrant and diverse biotech ecosystem in the Netherlands where talent can flourish."

Annemiek Verkamman, managing director hollandbio

Support from academia and industry

On Tuesday 11 June, Nucleate Netherlands organised its first event. This launch at the Utrecht Science Park focused on biotech and entrepreneurship in the Netherlands. During the panel discussions, experts from various backgrounds gave their views on the future of Dutch biotech and what is needed to create more entrepreneurship on home ground. The young researchers who attended were also inspired by pitches from successful start-ups and were able to expand their network while enjoying snacks and drinks. Nucleate Netherlands and its launch were supported by a number of leading advisers, partners and sponsors.

"I am a Master's student at the start of my career and I would like to broaden my horizons. I think Nucleate Netherlands can facilitate this and build a bridge between academia and industry."

Hannah Good, Master student Genetics Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Promising start

With its launch, Nucleate Netherlands has gained a foothold and we can look forward to future events. Currently, volunteers involved in Nucleate are present in six cities and at several universities, from Radboud University Nijmegen to TU Delft. The Dutch branch of Nucleate will give young researchers new tools to grow their innovations into successful companies and contribute to improving the biotech culture in the Netherlands with educational initiatives provided by international experts from the Nucleate network.

Source: Nucleate